Jean (Rosenke) and Kris Kinnear

Phone: 403-335-4136

Olds, AB T4H 1P3

Cell: 403-507-3109

Partridge Orpington

We love the beautiful penciling of the partridge color and these Partridge Orpington’s are absolutely stunning. My original flock of Partridge Orpington originated from Fancy Chick (USA)  which were direct imports from Britain. I then purchased some of Joel Ballard’s line from the USA.   In 2022 I brought in another line from Quebec and I will be offering some of those for sale in 2025. The egg size is wonderful, especially for pullets. 

Nature: Friendly, calm, kind

Egg Color:  cream, tinted eggs

Eggs per year: 200 plus

Winter Hardy: Yes, they enjoy being outside during the winter.