Jean (Rosenke) and Kris Kinnear

Phone: 403-335-4136

Olds, AB T4H 1P3

Cell: 403-507-3109

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

The New Hampshire breed was accepted into the Standard of Perfection in 1935 and these lovely birds originated in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. They are dual purpose birds giving nice large eggs and a decent meat carcass. Females weigh 6.5lbs and males weigh 8.5 lbs. 

We own the original Vern Holtzheuser flock imported to Alberta in 2018 from Minnesota. We have also added a couple other lines over the last year. 

Nature: Gentle, friendly, calm, kind

Egg Color: light brown eggs, sometimes pink bloom

Eggs per year: 220 plus

Winter Hardy: Yes, they enjoy being outside during the winter.