Jean (Rosenke) and Kris Kinnear

Phone: 403-335-4136

Olds, AB T4H 1P3

Cell: 403-507-3109

Matcha Layers

Matcha Layers

Exclusive to Westerdale Farms and created here. Great layers of green to sea foam and sometimes olive green eggs. Generally these are the colors I am getting from this pen. Since this is a special cross of 3 breeds that I have been working with for several years there may be slight egg shell color differences due to the genetic make up of each individual hen and cock.  Feather color is chocolate or black. Quiet, docile and great winter hardy birds. Combs can be pea sized or a bit larger. Most have a few feathers on their shafts or toes. Great feed converters and they deliver above average egg production for heritage birds. This is not an APA standard breed, just a fun option for people that want a nice winter friendly bird. They do not breed true.  

Nature: Calm, quiet, docile, active foragers

Egg Color:  matcha green to varying shades of greens including sea foam and olive especially on BC2/BC3

Eggs per year: 230 plus

Winter Hardy: yes