This wonderful breed was developed by Father Martin Silverudd in Sweden but was never finished. His goal was to create a green egg laying single combed breed that was also auto-sexing. Unfortunately, the breed was never finished and they are not an auto-sexing breed. Our very first Isbar were 1st imports from Greenfire Farms and we have very carefully brought in 4 more lines but only adding 3 of them over the past six years. We keep all the lines separated and carefully work with our lines. We have been working on color, combs and leakage. These are one of our best selling breeds. Excellent winter layers of green and moss green eggs. The Isbar sometimes lay speckled green eggs, spearmint green eggs and dark olive green eggs. I have won several egg shows with my isbar eggs over the years. They are excellent feed converters and do well free ranging as they are stealthy, quick and smart.