Day: February 25, 2022

2025 Chicks and Hatching Eggs Available Weekly Until September/October2025 Chicks and Hatching Eggs Available Weekly Until September/October


2025 Preorders for hatching eggs and chicks are now open.   We can hatch you a custom hatch from MY BIRDS only (not other’s eggs) as long as eggs are available. 

Small Barley straw bales available – $3.50 each – SOLD OUT – More in September

Jean’s cell 403-507-3109 ( text or call)

Click here for my current pricelist: 


Thank you for visiting our farm website. We work off of waitlists and sometimes the hens don’t always cooperate for us to get your order hatched when you want. We do our best! Please also note that we get 40- 50 messages per day which takes hours a day to reply. There are no employees …just me!!! Please don’t expect an instant reply as I have a lot of chickens, livestock, straw to load and 3 kids involved in sports!


Lavender Cuckoo Orpington                      

Isabel Cuckoo / Crele Orpington         

Chocolate Orpington                                 

Blue black Splash Orpington                     

Partridge Orpington  

Mauve Orpington – available May 2025                            

BBS True Ameraucana                             

Isabel Ameraucana                                   

Chocolate Ameraucana                             

Mauve Ameraucana                                

Black Copper Marans                         


Silverudd’s Swedish Isbar BBS                  

Matcha layers              

Olive Layers

Croad Langshan

Crested Cream Legbar                         

Golder Crele Legbar                                 

Blue Legbar                                                 

 Speckled Sussex

New Hampshire   

Mottled Houdan                    

White Crested Black Polish Bantams         

Partridge Cochin                      

Partridge Wyandotte

Blue Partridge Wyandotte                     

Buff Ducks                                          

Welsh Harlequin Ducks

Magpie Ducks